Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Tooth Fairy Pt 2

We are trying again with the Tooth Fairy. I gave Sophia all of her stuff back including her tooth for the Tooth Fairy. She showed me everything again. I asked her if she thought the Tooth Fairy would show up tonight as I didn't think she was on the agenda for the evening as it was a day late. She said, "Yes.." Of course I had to plant it in her brain that she might not show up. I said, "What then?" She said, "Well, I will be mad." Then I asked if I should check if the Tooth Fairy came in the middle of the night and she said, "Okay." I then asked if I should just pretend to be the Tooth Fairy and leave a dollar or keep it real? At first she said yes leave a dollar then she thought about it and said, "No, keep it real mom." I asked her if she thought the Tooth Fairy wore a tutu and she said, "Yeah!" (duh!) "What color?" I asked. She says,"Pink, of course! And it is a football player - I saw the movie!" Thank you Hollywood and Dwayne Johnson for keeping the magic alive!

The Tooth Fairy

Sophia lost her third tooth yesterday. She prepared a letter, drew a picture of the tooth fairy with her sisters - Little, Medium and Large Fairy and also gave her a princess button/pin. Well, I was "discovered" playing the role of the tooth fairy as she woke up last night but pretended to sleep. This morning, I was grilled/drilled about being the tooth fairy. I told her I went to check and she hadn't come yet so I helped her out. She gave me back my dollar, demanded all her stuff back and we are trying again tonight. She said, "I saw her foot steps, you should have waited." I love her!

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